60 Seconds with Vicki
Mysterious thieves, beauty on-the-go and funny mix ups.
Vicki caught up with Co-Director Kat to ask some FOUR CORNERS inspired questions and discovered some surprising insights...
V: What's the strangest thing that's in your bag right now?
K: Errrrm (looking through bag and pulls out a razor). Oh, I don't normally have this on me but I forgot to shave my legs this morning and had to shave on the go!
Kat shaving on-the-go
V: When was the last time you danced in the street?
K: In Colombia recently, we could hear the salsa music and the moment just took us...
V: Have you ever tried to solve a mystery?
K: Yes, when I was about 7 my mums car was stolen in France. We walked out of the village and found the car's wing mirror by the side of the road then went into the woods and found the car. All that had been stolen was my James and the Giant Peach tapes. We hoped the thieves could understand English!
James and the Giant peach cassette tape
V: Have you ever been mistaken for somebody else?
K: Yes, whilst rehearsing for the show Tightrope with Amici Dance Theatre a few years back I was constantly mistaken for fellow performer and friend Seda. She is Turkish and one day another company member gave me a stack of Turkish magazines to read!
What makes you late?
---Hitting snooze!
V: If you could talk to your teenage self what would you say?
K: Stop reading Glamour magazine!
V: Finally, why should people come to FOUR CORNERS?
K: Because what we're doing is original and exciting, and the devising process was unlike any other I've ever been part of. I think we've created something authentic and thought-provoking and that's my favourite kind of theatre to go and see .
Photo: Yuzuru Masuda Photography
You can catch FOUR CORNERS throughout June and July in from London and beyond. Get your tickets and tour info here.