BLINK's 2021 Moments
BLINK's four co-directors wear bright clothing such as fresh prince style denim, pink and turquoise adidas jackets and a hot pink jumper. They lean on each other and smile. Above them there is a cloud that says 'Merry Xmas'. There is lots of other weather in the picture like rain and snow
We are biggin’ up ourselves for weathering all the storms of 2021, wow what a year! Despite the hardships that the continued pandemic has put in our way, we have been able to start to return to ‘normal’, building exciting new partnerships and presenting a new, multi-sensory show! Continue reading to find out everything we packed into this year, and perhaps some hints at what you may see from us in 2022 as well!
Sunny spells were metaphorically forecast for BLINK in the form of our new show DRIVE THRU (although we did survive some real-life high-speed winds and torrential rain!) ….
[description] Siobhan, a young white woman and Delson a young (ish) black man pose against an orange shipping container. They are wearing costumes which are centred around white baseball caps. Siobhan peers through a hige pair of purple lips and white teeth, Delson’s is the same with pink lips and you can see a huge pink hairy tongue hanging down too.
DRIVE THRU was created and directed by neurodiverse Directors Vicki and Francis through a desire to make a covid-secure, multi-sensory performance for those who haven’t been able to access theatre and culture throughout the pandemic. Many adults with learning disabilities, autism, PMLD and complex needs attended, secure in their own minibus, and were taken on an adventure as the bus took off through the skies to distant lands, where they met some mysterious creatures beautifully created in collaboration with our designer Kat Heath. Delson worked with long-time collaborator Bulblet to create the fantastic soundtrack for the production, and the cast was made up of some new and old faces to BLINK who helped bring Francis’ story to life!
“DRIVE THRU is an abstract, charming and magical piece that takes you on a magic school bus-esque journey, from a welcoming opening to an interactive, heartwarming closing. If you are
looking for theatre that is non-traditional, neurodiverse friendly and family friendly, DRIVE THRU is the perfect show to immerse yourself in; there’s everything from bold and striking creature costumes brought to life by the talented cast, to the ambient yet surreal soundscape to guide
you through the performance. ”
Creating a brand-new show during covid was at times quite challenging – including when the whole team had to isolate a week before the show opened! – but as a company also allowed us to further develop the ways we support artists' mental health and wellbeing through our work, both during the pandemic and beyond.
DRIVE THRU would not have been possible without the support of our venue partners; Redbridge Drama Centre, The Albany and Wac Arts. We’d also like to thank the funders for DRIVE THRU; Arts Council England, London Catalyst, Disability Action NET, Hammersmith United Charities, Redbridge Drama Centre and Wac Arts.
We had some foundation-rocking staff changes this year, which can be so tricky in a small family-vibes company like ours.
But our wonderful Admin Assistant Mandy and Co-Director Vicki have been steering the ship behind the scenes; along with our wonderful Advisory Group, and consultants Isy, Theresa and Judy. Thankfully we’ve landed on much more stable ground with Rachel freshly back from maternity and our multi-talented Communications Co-ordinator Zoe (previously Stage Manager and Access Manager!) coming on board for longer term - phew!
We also trained some incredible new freelancers this year, who have joined the BLINK family full-heartedly and we can’t stop talking about them - and neither can our participants!
A group of BLINK people pose in the sun with wide smiles.
Our wonderful funders have helped turn our rain into colourful possibilities this year. We are fortunate to have received funding from a range of sources to support our work this year, including; Arts Council England, Hammersmith United Charities, Disability Action NET, London Catalyst.
As well as supporting DRIVE THRU and our Outreach programme, the funding we received this year has enabled us to continue to support the professional development of our Learning Disabled staff and participants throughout the pandemic through our project HATCH. Throughout lockdown, we ran weekly support sessions online for neurodiverse and learning-disabled artists across London. These TEA BREAK sessions were an opportunity for artists to be creative together and share their own practice with the group, as well as providing a space to talk about the mental health impact of lockdown and the pandemic. As we started to come out of lockdown, we continue to support the LD artists we work with by providing easy read versions of the Government’s ‘Lockdown Roadmap’ as well as being on hand to offer advice and support when needed. And most excitedly, we have now been able to return to schools to deliver our multi-sensory, participatory workshops - keep reading to find out more.
BLINK Director Francis, a young black man, wears jeans and a flamboyant flowery shirt. He is climbing up a wall made of colourful tyres and turns to the camera with a smile and his thumb up.
We have been swept up in a wonderful tornado of magic with our recent Battersea Arts Centre Commission. The work explores our individual relationships with magic, and how we can use our inner magic to connect with the world and protect ourselves.
Using sound, movement and film, BLINK Directors channel the supernatural and discover magic as a powerful challenge to ableism.
To see the film as soon as it’s released, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
Rachel, a young white woman with red hair stares manically into a smoking purple ball. One eye is coloured neon pink and the other neon green
As restrictions begin to lift, we have had a sprinkle of in real-life workshops for which we are super grateful. We have developed our way of working to be more covid-secure, whilst also supporting our participants with their mental health and wellbeing – which is very much needed after the past year.
Knowing touch is an integral tool in the development of SEND students, we’ve created easy-clean props so that we can integrate as much creative, warm, and intentional ‘safe touch’ as possible without actually physically touching.
Vicki, a white woman with hair tied back and a green fringe giggles at the camera, she is next to Jonah a white younger man with cool glasses and brown curly hair who is looking at Vicki in a fit of laughter. One of BLINK’s most popular dance props; an octopus with googley eyes and stretchy legs is draped over Vicki, Jonah and his wheelchair
Rain has sadly come our way this year (and a bit) in the form of great and deep sadness of the deaths of some people in our network we loved a huge deal.
Sumaya we miss your wonderful sense of humour in our dance classes at school, we could hear your screaming down the corridor before you came into the hall. The twinkle in your eye, vibrant presence, determination and zest for life will never be forgotten.
Samir you were the youngest we’ve lost. Everyone who met you loved you and we miss you so much. You were so cheeky and when you loved something you let us know with your whole being. We’re so proud of how you pushed through your shyness over the years and started leading.
Eloise you were always so eager to connect with everyone and so grateful for everyone around you. When you learnt a new thing your pride shone out and it was so beautiful to see. We still repeat your funny one liners, you kept us all entertained. Thanks for all you taught us.
David you were an incredible friend to BLINK; believing in us and propelling us forward. You were patient, kind, genuine and wise. We will miss your effortless joy and compassion for others. Thank you for all you did for us.
We end this blog with a renewed promise to stay strong in our integrity, cherish all the moments and do our BLINK best in your honour. Rest in power.
Samir, a young brown boy with curly brown hair is lost in a smile. He holds a pom pom (his favourite) and is wearing a t-shirt that he painted himself with neon paint. A woman with blonde hair leans close to his wheelchair smiling and sharing the moment.