PULL UP Phase 2, Part A - Decisions, decisions, decisions...
Welcome to our first Project PULL UP studio sessions post. Here's a sneaky peak into the process so far...
Delson is directing BLINK performers in a creative response to his 11 track album. Our main aim is to be integral to Delson's vision. As an LD non-verbal artist, with brilliantly lateral and imaginative thought pathways, clear communication is not always easy. Kat is supporting Delson as an artistic enabler throughout the process; clarifying his choices and generally breaking things up into manageable chunks. Rachel, Francis and Vicki are performers on the project.
Delson using the MyChoice Makaton app to chose activities for the BLINK performers
Week 1:
We arrived in the studio and Delson lead a check in on his Makaton MyChoice iPad app . He then chose between leading a warm up, or listening to his music straight away...he chose music.
Track 1:
We listened to the track a few times as it is only 40secs long. Then Delson chose (using his iPad) who he would like to respond - him, Francis, Rachel, Vicki, a pair combination, or everyone. He chose everyone and a drawing task. When we had finished Delson circled what he liked in our pictures and chose to move on to track 2.
Track 2:
After listening to the track, Delson chose to respond by performing Drama piece improvisation. The setting was an urban street scene, involving lots of people, Delson was the boss. The track loops gunshots and sounds of revving cars and motorbikes which also featured in his acting. Delson asked us to create a piece of writing in response to his scene. He then chose which ones he liked, and circled favourite bits.
Track 3:
Vicki responding to track 3 with Drama. Delson liked the looking around and facial expressions.
Delson chose Vicki to respond with Drama. The vocals in the track are disconcerting, strained and impassioned set against a disconnected bubbling dance synth rhythm. She created a character in anguish trying to gain courage to fight. Delson loved the kicking and the looking around.
He then asked Francis to respond with Dance. Francis began with frantic popping and locking, frenetic footwork and ended with hip thrusts and comedy. Delson liked the serious moves and the kicking.
Track 4:
This track sounds like a scary beast trapped in an echo-y space and builds throughout. Delson chose for everyone to respond how they liked. We decided on Dance and created an improvisation where Rachel became a beast and Francis and Vicki trapped her. Delson again chose which bits he liked and we repeated with his edits.
Track 5:
Delson showed his own dance to this twinkly, slow track. He chose everyone to respond with dance afterwards. He watched the film back and chose one move from each person that he liked.
Delson lead a check out, he was really pleased with what we had achieved but knackered. Looking forward to next week...
Commissioned and supported by Unlimited, celebrating the work of disabled artists, with funding from Spirit of 2012.
Supported by Goldsmith's University.
Collaborators include: Music mentor: Bulblet AKA Mat Hawkins, Designer: Rute Irbite, Visual Artist: Zuhura Plummer, Graphic Designer: The Modern Designer AKA Travis Crowther, PhD Candidate and researcher: Leonie Elliot-Graves